
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Top 10 Things To Do On My Blog

People seem to like Top 10 lists. So here is my top 10 list of things to do on my blog:
  1. Subscribe to my blog. Scroll down the right column until you see the box for you to enter your email address. Do it coz' then you don't have to keep checking to see if I wrote anything new. If I did, you will be informed right away. Do it coz' you like what I have to share.
  2. Leave a comment. I'm sure we have many things in common. Let us share our experiences and support one another.
  3. Visit my bookshop. In the right column you will find my Value Bookshop logo. I offer used children's books for parents in Malaysia and Singapore.
  4. Tell a friend about us. You can also find this in the right hand column. I would love to see more parents visiting the site and adding their comments. The more the merrier right?
  5. Buy books or subscribe to parenting magazines through my site. I only recommend books that have good reviews. You can also do a search using the Amazon search function located in the right hand column. I have this coz' my bookshop doesn't cater to people outside Malaysia and Singapore. So this option is more for US citizens.
  6. Click on the google ads at the top of the page. Most of the time they should coincide with the topics being discussed.
  7. My Kid's Favorite Hangout features educational and interactive websites for toddlers and kindergartners. If you have other sites of interest, please let me know.
  8. Read other blogs on my blogroll. Some are really top quality blogs. My favorites are, Momster in Paris, Tyler's Tonic Pool, The Parenting Weblog, and Thinking Aloud.
  9. Check out the Resource for Parents. The SAHM group is where I usually hang out. The mothers there are wonderful and give plenty of support. It's a place to share your ups and downs. MyMomsBest is good for mothers who are interested in breastfeeding.
  10. Go to Blog Top Sites and rate me.

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