
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Run, Run, As Fast As You Can...

Yesterday, the kids insisted I stop by the mini playground after buying pisang goreng. So happen that place also has a netball court. Instead of just having them play the swings, slide and see-saw, I suggested the two have a race. My intention was to tire them out a little (evil mommy!). Crazy kids nowadays just have soooooo much energy. I had them run from one end of the netball court to the other end and back again. I thought I'd just have them race 2-3 times but these kids, I tell you, they kept on running and running and running. My little boy practically ran up and down 7 times without stopping. Then he would just run round and round. It's just so funny to see how much fun they had just running. Talk about simple pleasures. And here we are, as parents, sometimes wondering how to entertain them.

Well, we went out again today and did some running. The kids were looking forward to it. There's a court at the back of my house and we did different things. First they had a traditional race -- run to a certain point and back again. Then I had them do laps around the court. Played a little basketball and then finished up with a relay thingy. The two kids would stand on opposite ends. D would run and slap his sister's hand and then it would be her turn to run.

Anyway, kinda reminded me of when we use to do the same when we were younger. I'm sure almost everyone has played 'police and thieves' once in their life. Or sometimes we just called it 'catching'. The Americans call it 'cops and robbers.' We had the energy then too. Well, because I've lost the energy for running, I've forgotten how enjoyable it is for kids.

So if you can, don't coup your kids in the house. They have soooo much energy pent up inside. Let them be like the gingerbread man and go "Run, run, as fast as you can...."


  1. Good post. It's amazing how we think we need to spend so much money on equipment and gadgets when children can have so much fun just running and playing. The joy they feel is amazing.

  2. Kids have boundless energy.

    Blogmad hit!

  3. You can say that again.. they have ever lasting energy! We get tired out before they do *sigh*

    Compared to our years, children nowadays are less exposed to the free and easy games and adventure.. I contsantly remind myself to make sure my kids get to play outside instead of just sitting in the house, watching TV, playing inddor games, etc..

    Good reminder..

  4. End of the day, everyone go home happy!

  5. I get tired just watching kids play.... say, u keen to take part in this year's MIllionaire GOlfer? ppsttt... got opportunity to win RM1million for a hole-in-one shot


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