
Saturday, September 19, 2009

SpellQuizzer Contest Results

And the winner of the SpellQuizzer Contest is..... ALOHAMOLLY!

Congratulations to Molly. I hope you and your children will enjoy the software. To my only other entry, CrazyMommy, thank you so much for joining in. Next freebie I come across, you'll be the first one to get it. Really appreciate your support.

Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner. Baby did decide to come out earlier than the due date. Will update on the new babyK soon.


  1. Congratulations, Lian on your new bundle of joy!! Do rest well and enjoy your confinement. :)

    See la.. that's why I said I dont have lucky draw luck. Two entries only and I still couldnt get it. I-G-I-V-E-U-P already. :P

  2. Hi AiLian,

    Thanks for sharing the double joy..for me the pressie and of course the good news of ur 4th baby!

    I shall stay tuned for more news of the little one when u are up n running again..take good care and God Bless!

  3. crazymommy:
    Don't give up. You never know when good luck comes knocking.


Don't go without saying something. I would love to read your comments. BUT no junk comments please.