
Friday, October 14, 2011

Logic Game: Duck, Think Outside The Flock

I came across Bonte Games. If you want to train your children to think, you should get them to play these games. Maybe not so suitable for really young children (unless they are a genius, and maybe they are). You should try it out too. See if you have the brains to figure it out.

This one is called Duck. No instructions given. You have to figure out what the task is. It could be as easy as putting the ducks in a row. Once you complete the task, the ducks will swim away. Good luck.

Drop a comment to tell me how you did.

Click here to play the game: Duck, think outside the flock


  1. this is really good. I went up to level 10 but got quite bored by then, hehe

  2. Chinnee:
    Bored so fast?? Hehehe. Too easy is it?

  3. Oh dear I get stuck at level 18 haha.


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