The holiday seasons are just starting to roll out. If you follow western trends, then you would have just celebrated Halloween. Thanksgiving is next. Here in Malaysia, Deepavali will come before Thanksgiving. And then after that, it will be CHRISTMAS!
I don't believe how fast this year has gone. It feels just like yesterday I gave birth to baby D in January. Now I have to start thinking of Christmas presents. You must be thinking I'm mad thinking of Christmas presents in October. But you know what, it's not so mad because have to start saving and scouting for good deals. Actually, the last Malaysian Mega Sale was the best time to stock up on presents.
Anyway, thinking of a gift for DH does take some time. I never know what to give him. If I ask him, he'll say get him some computer gadgety stuff. How unromantic. Typical of guys to think of practical gifts. His idea of gifts for me are household gadgets. Like I said, how unromantic. I think we girls would rather jewelry as gifts such as bracelets and pendants. It doesn't have to be expensive, just nice. (Maybe I should email him a Heavenly Treasures coupon as a hint). Household appliances such as cleaning and kitchen stuff to me cannot be considered as gifts. They are necessary TOOLs, not GIFTS. What about you? What sort of gifts would you like to receive from your spouse?
Thinking of what to give DH is one thing, the other thing is the money. I mean, being a SAHM, I don't really have my own money to spend. It feels kinda weird buying his present with his money, you know what I mean? If you are in the same boat, kindly share your experience.
Gifts for kids are easier. Books are my favorite choice (click here for some Scholastic Store coupons). Lego would be on my list too coz' the children are always fighting over what is left of our existing lego.
Photo books seem to be gaining popularity. I'm contemplating on doing one for the family, sort of an annual record so we can see how the family evolves. I think investing in this is a good idea.
p.s. If you are looking to save some money on gifts, its a good idea to scout around for online coupons that you can use.
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