Generally, as parents we strive to do what's right and what's best for our children. Unfortunately, our children didn't come with an instruction tag. So as we walk along the road of parenthood, there are sure to be stumbles and confusion when we encounter crossroads. The following are some questions that I've pondered or are still pondering.
- When starting to introduce solids: "What else can I cook that they can eat?"
- Now that they can eat on their own: "How do I get them to eat vegetables when I myself hated vegetables growing up?"
- How to get them to share?
- How to get them to stop biting and hitting?
- What school should I send them to? Kebangsaan or Chinese?
- Should I enrol them in Music class? Art class? Drama class? Playgroup? Gymnastics? No class? etc... When is it too much and when is it not enough?
- How to not be so "kiasu"?
- How do I scream less?
- Am I being fair to both my children or do I play favorites?
- When do I start weaning?
- When do I get start potty training?
- How to get them to do homework?
- How do I get them to be interested in books?
- What else can I do to keep them busy and entertained?
- What can I do to work from home?
- If I carry my baby too much, will I spoil them?
- In the name of discipline, do I sometimes cross the line into being mean and cruel?
- How do I get them to stop scribbling in my books, on the wall and on the tables?
- How do I communicate more effectively with my children?
- What should I teach my children e.g. reading, writing, counting, honesty, love, respect, etc...?
- How shall I teach them?
- What resources are available to me (e.g. books, internet), which one shall I use and where can I get it?
I'm sure there were and are more questions? I'm interested to know WHAT WERE SOME OF YOURS?