Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Baby K is Going To Be 4 Months Old

Thanks to Shabby Princess for the free digital scrapbook kit.

BabyK's hair is getting longer and standing up higher. Her daytime naps are getting shorter and that just means more busy time for us. Her gums have been really itchy lately. She keeps wanting to bite and suck. The teething process has probably started but I know we won't be seeing any teeth for a few months. We have teething rings for her but she's more interested in our fingers. She'll also suck her own hand. We say she's "eating her drumstick". She likes to hold our hand. We like her to hold our hand so she has plenty of willing hands to hold :) Besides holding our hand, she has also started to grab things like hair (her own and also other people's) and her shirt.

She gets very cranky just before she sleeps. I don't remember the others crying so much. Maybe my memory is compromised. Oh, I know my memory is bad. In some ways I count that as a blessing. Anyway, she's really good at night. But she sometimes tends to wait for me to sleep along with her, and that can be quite late. She's really good when we go out. She sleeps when we're out and stays awake when we're home.

Her last weigh in was a few weeks ago and she was at 6.3kg. Next check-up is next Monday. Wonder if she is up another kg. Carrying her around is not doing any wonders for our back.
Parenting Tip: That's why you musn't wait until you're too old to have a baby. You need youth and vibrancy to raise these young ones. Also, important not to neglect fitness. You need to stay strong and have endurance. Also good to get a good baby sling.

She likes to be carried upright, either over the shoulder or sitting facing forward. She doesn't like to be carried in a lying down position. Looks like I have another active one on hand. When they don't like to lie down, that's a sign! It's like she's already complaining "Mommy, stop asking me to go to sleep!"

I heard her laugh for the first time the other day. I was niggling her neck and she gave the cutest laugh. Haven't been able to make her laugh again since then. Baby's laughs are the cutest. No one can imitate a baby's laugh. I need to get that on video.

Ok, that's all the baby news we have for now.


  1. Your daughters are adorable and since you have the "big sisters" graphic on there, I can only conclude that you are on your way to raising daughters who care about each other. My three daughters are all grown but maybe you'll enjoy seeing how daughters turn out on our blog. Enjoy!

  2. she's got so much hair .. i'm so jealous :P
    so fast 4 mths old oredi.


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