Starting a home business these days is a very viable option. However, there's always the fear and the doubt of whether you have the "stuff" to pull it off. Well, if the idea of starting an online business ever crossed your mind, but you just weren't sure if it was right for you - I just found something that might help. It's a quick quiz that will show you if you're suited for an at home career, what type of business you might set up and additional tips to help you get started.
The quiz only takes a couple of minutes and you can take it right here, just click the text below:
We all want to be effective parents. There are many ways to accomplish that goal. This is my personal collection of tips and tricks to effective parenting. Power to the Parents!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2nd Month Of Pregnancy
I realized I've never recorded any of my previous pregnancies. So when people ask me if this pregnancy is any different from the rest, I can't say much coz' I've only a vague memory to draw from. Yes, I admit that I have a problem with memory. My DH will attest to that.
The only few things I can remember from past pregnancies are these:
1. With the first, I had a lot of migraines. And I ate a lot of oranges.
2. Second pregnancy, I ate a lot of mangoes. Also had a short craving for KFC's Zinger burger.
3. Third pregnancy I lived on toast bread for more than a week. I fancied western food over asian food.
4. With all 3 pregnancies, morning sickness lasted for about 3 months.
Well, this time round I thought it would be good to journal down my pregnancy experience. I think I shall call it "MY PREGNANCY CRAZIES".
I think all my body's energy is channeled to growing this baby that I have no strength to do anything else. I've employed my children to do the sweeping and mopping of the floor. Regular chores like these leaves me utterly breathless. So, the past few weeks I've been vegging out on the couch or sprawled out on the bed. Boy, I really do feel NON-FUNCTIONAL. Thank goodness I have a wonderful DH who has taken over the kitchen and the business of feeding the family. So single girls out there, make sure one of your criteria to look for in a husband is that he can cook.
I miss enjoying my food. It is torture to see food that I love but be turned off by it. I run out of the house when DH starts cooking coz' the aroma just makes me feel worse. Yes, I actually take a chair and sit outside the house until the cooking is finished.
I have had some cravings. It usually happens when I'm taking a nap; I start dreaming about the food I want to eat. I feel like a crazy woman. A few weeks ago I so badly wanted to eat hokkien fried mee and cantonese style kuey teow. Yesterday, I dreamed of eating "chee cheong fun". Unfortunately, I am not living in PJ anymore where it is easy to buy these stuff. And sad to say, I don't have one of those DH who will drive 1 hour across town in the wee hours of the morning to satisfy your craving. My craving was so strong at that moment that I even had a few choices for DH -- 1st choice = chee cheong fun, 2nd choice = tausa pau, 3rd choice = mee konno (kicap mee). DH finally agreed to satisfy my craving after I broke down and cried. YA, crazy! I actually broke down and cried. Crazy pregnant hormones. Unfortunately I had to settle for choice #3. It was the easiest for him to do. I'm still holding out for my "chee cheong fun" though. Pasar malam is tomorrow and I know they have it there :)
Regarding clinical checkups, I have opted to do them at the government clinic (Klinik Desa). The clinic is only a stone's throw away and it's FREE! Sure beats forking out RM80-RM100 for a doctor's visit. My last pregnancy I went to UMMC for check ups. That was cheap too - only a few ringgit each visit. I feel that the government facilities do a more thorough checkup than the private ones. They do blood tests for HIV and other stuff. There's also the glucose test. First time visit is always the longest because they have to take down your history and do all the necessities. Well, I haven't really decided where to deliver this baby. Thinking about the Sg. Buloh hospital but I think I'll have to visit the place first. Anybody has any experience there?
The only few things I can remember from past pregnancies are these:
1. With the first, I had a lot of migraines. And I ate a lot of oranges.
2. Second pregnancy, I ate a lot of mangoes. Also had a short craving for KFC's Zinger burger.
3. Third pregnancy I lived on toast bread for more than a week. I fancied western food over asian food.
4. With all 3 pregnancies, morning sickness lasted for about 3 months.
Well, this time round I thought it would be good to journal down my pregnancy experience. I think I shall call it "MY PREGNANCY CRAZIES".
Image via Wikipedia
I think all my body's energy is channeled to growing this baby that I have no strength to do anything else. I've employed my children to do the sweeping and mopping of the floor. Regular chores like these leaves me utterly breathless. So, the past few weeks I've been vegging out on the couch or sprawled out on the bed. Boy, I really do feel NON-FUNCTIONAL. Thank goodness I have a wonderful DH who has taken over the kitchen and the business of feeding the family. So single girls out there, make sure one of your criteria to look for in a husband is that he can cook.
I miss enjoying my food. It is torture to see food that I love but be turned off by it. I run out of the house when DH starts cooking coz' the aroma just makes me feel worse. Yes, I actually take a chair and sit outside the house until the cooking is finished.
I have had some cravings. It usually happens when I'm taking a nap; I start dreaming about the food I want to eat. I feel like a crazy woman. A few weeks ago I so badly wanted to eat hokkien fried mee and cantonese style kuey teow. Yesterday, I dreamed of eating "chee cheong fun". Unfortunately, I am not living in PJ anymore where it is easy to buy these stuff. And sad to say, I don't have one of those DH who will drive 1 hour across town in the wee hours of the morning to satisfy your craving. My craving was so strong at that moment that I even had a few choices for DH -- 1st choice = chee cheong fun, 2nd choice = tausa pau, 3rd choice = mee konno (kicap mee). DH finally agreed to satisfy my craving after I broke down and cried. YA, crazy! I actually broke down and cried. Crazy pregnant hormones. Unfortunately I had to settle for choice #3. It was the easiest for him to do. I'm still holding out for my "chee cheong fun" though. Pasar malam is tomorrow and I know they have it there :)
Regarding clinical checkups, I have opted to do them at the government clinic (Klinik Desa). The clinic is only a stone's throw away and it's FREE! Sure beats forking out RM80-RM100 for a doctor's visit. My last pregnancy I went to UMMC for check ups. That was cheap too - only a few ringgit each visit. I feel that the government facilities do a more thorough checkup than the private ones. They do blood tests for HIV and other stuff. There's also the glucose test. First time visit is always the longest because they have to take down your history and do all the necessities. Well, I haven't really decided where to deliver this baby. Thinking about the Sg. Buloh hospital but I think I'll have to visit the place first. Anybody has any experience there?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
9 Questions Tag
Okay, this tag is to show Family First that I can write fun posts too :)
1. Have you ever been on TV?
Yes. It happened during my golfing days. Usually it would be during the sports news. They would either show me playing or it would be a short interview. I was also invited to be a guest on a children's game show. Can't remember the name of the program now. It was really a crazy thing. I was on the golf course playing a round when someone from the National Sports Council (MSN) called to tell me I was supposed to be at the studio for the recording. So, I had to quit my game half-way and rush over to the recording studio. There I was all sweaty and I had to change into a pair of track suit they gave me (which probably made me look fat and ugly). What was my job? Lead the kids in a short stretching session for them to warm up for their game. And then, as they played, I had to cheer them on. Felt a bit stupid as I would just stand around and yell "cepat, cepat adik" or "laju, laju lagi" (translation = faster, faster). I was actually very embarrassed about the whole thing and didn't tell anyone. But still some of my friends with young kids watched the program and informed me that they saw me (*blush).
2. Have you ever sung in public?
Does karaoke count? Hehehe. But I guess I will say yes to this question as I was part of the school choir in primary school. We sang during concerts and also for competition. Public is involved in that right?
3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
If I had continued to play golf under the hot, hot sun, I think I would be blond now. But no, I never dyed my hair blond. It's damaged enough.
4. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
I think so, I can't remember. If I did, it was a very, very, very long time ago.
5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
No. Don't get many presents (sob, sob) so I appreciate what I get. It may not be what I want, but I won't hate it.
6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
If I did, it probably caused some amnesia that I don't remember it.
7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
I've cooked a meal by myself but not for 15 people.
8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
I'm sure I have. But no big deal that it would stand out as something memorable.
9. Have you ever done volunteer work?
Yes. A few years back I would visit the pediatric ward once a week to help out an NGO do some children's activity for children with cancer. I stopped when I got preggy with no.2. Also after the devastating tsunami, DH and me volunteered half a day at the buddhist temple to pack stuff that people had donated.
So, who shall I tag now? Who needs to have a some fun injected into their blog?
1. Health Freak Mommy
2. Min
3. J@n!ce
4. Footyman
5. Mumsgather
1. Have you ever been on TV?
Yes. It happened during my golfing days. Usually it would be during the sports news. They would either show me playing or it would be a short interview. I was also invited to be a guest on a children's game show. Can't remember the name of the program now. It was really a crazy thing. I was on the golf course playing a round when someone from the National Sports Council (MSN) called to tell me I was supposed to be at the studio for the recording. So, I had to quit my game half-way and rush over to the recording studio. There I was all sweaty and I had to change into a pair of track suit they gave me (which probably made me look fat and ugly). What was my job? Lead the kids in a short stretching session for them to warm up for their game. And then, as they played, I had to cheer them on. Felt a bit stupid as I would just stand around and yell "cepat, cepat adik" or "laju, laju lagi" (translation = faster, faster). I was actually very embarrassed about the whole thing and didn't tell anyone. But still some of my friends with young kids watched the program and informed me that they saw me (*blush).
2. Have you ever sung in public?
Does karaoke count? Hehehe. But I guess I will say yes to this question as I was part of the school choir in primary school. We sang during concerts and also for competition. Public is involved in that right?
3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
If I had continued to play golf under the hot, hot sun, I think I would be blond now. But no, I never dyed my hair blond. It's damaged enough.
4. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
I think so, I can't remember. If I did, it was a very, very, very long time ago.
5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
No. Don't get many presents (sob, sob) so I appreciate what I get. It may not be what I want, but I won't hate it.
6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
If I did, it probably caused some amnesia that I don't remember it.
7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
I've cooked a meal by myself but not for 15 people.
8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
I'm sure I have. But no big deal that it would stand out as something memorable.
9. Have you ever done volunteer work?
Yes. A few years back I would visit the pediatric ward once a week to help out an NGO do some children's activity for children with cancer. I stopped when I got preggy with no.2. Also after the devastating tsunami, DH and me volunteered half a day at the buddhist temple to pack stuff that people had donated.
So, who shall I tag now? Who needs to have a some fun injected into their blog?
1. Health Freak Mommy
2. Min
3. J@n!ce
4. Footyman
5. Mumsgather
9 Simple Ways to Save Money on Your Groceries
Image via Wikipedia
1. Go with a List: Yes, I know…it’s a pretty obvious suggestion, but it’s amazing how effective it can be. You can purchase only what you need and avoid all the other yummy distractions of the grocery store.
2. Meal Planning: Planning your meals in advance makes it easier to get your list together and ensure you buy only exactly what you need. You can get help with your meal planning at Dine Without Whine AND they actually put your grocery list together for you too.
3. Eat Before You Go: Another classic tip. If you’re hungry, you’ll want to buy (and instantly eat) everything! Have a meal or good snack before you go to avoid impulse purchases.
4. Stock Up on Staple Items When They’re On Sale: If you see ketchup or your family’s favorite sauce on sale, stock up. Or if it’s a certain type of soup or frozen vegetable your family eats all the time, buy a bunch of it. As long as it doesn’t spoil and you have space to store it, you will save money in the long run. The nice thing about this is if you continue to stock up on a variety of items, you’ll have a nice pantry full of food at any given time.
5. Cook from Scratch More Often: Yeah, yeah…it sounds easier said than done, but it doesn’t have to be too complicated. It’s no secret that pre-packaged items and convenience foods come at a premium price. They save you time in preparation, but they eat up your budget and let’s face it, time IS money. Plus, if you’re using Tip #2 and planning your meals, cooking from scratch more often is a whole lot easier.
6. Comparison Shop Before You Leave Home: No, I’m definitely not suggesting you go from store-to-store looking for the best deal. That takes too much time. Check the flyers that come to your door and see who is offering the best deals on what you actually need. If you don’t have any flyers at your door, visit the store website as they generally post flyers online.
7. Use Coupons Sparingly: Sure, coupons offer a great deal, but most coupons you’ll find are for items you don’t really need or use. Resist the urge to think, “Wow, that’s a good deal” and search for coupons based on items you need to purchase instead.
8. Keep the Little Ones At Home: If you have young children that want everything that they see, it’s easy to get into the trap of buying items you don’t need, treats that aren’t healthy and become victim to other grocery store distractions. Keep the kids at home with Daddy (it’s a good bonding opportunity) or a relative. You can even swap grocery store shopping times with your neighbor. Not only will you save money, but you’ll save your sanity too!
9. Make Quick Stops for Fresh Ingredients: This may not be easy if you’re on a tight schedule, but if you can work it in, it can save you a bundle. One of the biggest culprits in grocery budgets gone bad is spoiled food. If your fruits, veggies and other perishable items are always going bad, consider shopping for them more frequently, but in smaller quantities and restrain yourself from buying items you don’t need. If you have any teenaged kids, this would be a great chore for them too.
There you go – 9 ways to save on groceries. But in order to make these tips work, you really need to have a plan in place. You need to know what your family needs and what you’ll be eating. To make your meal planning a whole lot easier, sign up for you 1 ¢ no-risk trial at Dine Without Whine. You and your grocery budget will be glad you did.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Chinese New Year 2009
I know, I know, this Chinese New Year post is a bit late. Celebrations are already over. I'm probably one of the last people still blogging about it. But that's what happens when you have a preggy lady still in her 1st trimester -- will update on my pregnancy later.
Well, family reunion started on my side of the family first. Didn't go back to my mom's house this year. My 3rd brother played host at his new house. That made it very convenient coz' we don't have to travel far and fight traffic jams. My mom did most of the cooking. I only contributed one dish - sweet and sour pork. My brother told me NOT to open a restaurant. Humph! Okay-lah, standard can be better but what do you expect of a pregnant lady who can't stand the smell of food! Nevermind, I will redeem myself next year. Heheheh. Also took the opportunity to let my brothers know they have to prepare extra "ang pow" next year.
The Lim Clan
(Well, my side of the Lim family. If you didn't know, me and hubby have same surname)
I would have taken lots more pictures but stupid me forgot to charge the camera and didn't bring the charger. So, that's my tip for today: MAKE SURE YOU BRING THE CHARGER FOR YOUR CAMERA WHEN YOU GO FOR HOLIDAY!
Well, family reunion started on my side of the family first. Didn't go back to my mom's house this year. My 3rd brother played host at his new house. That made it very convenient coz' we don't have to travel far and fight traffic jams. My mom did most of the cooking. I only contributed one dish - sweet and sour pork. My brother told me NOT to open a restaurant. Humph! Okay-lah, standard can be better but what do you expect of a pregnant lady who can't stand the smell of food! Nevermind, I will redeem myself next year. Heheheh. Also took the opportunity to let my brothers know they have to prepare extra "ang pow" next year.

(Well, my side of the Lim family. If you didn't know, me and hubby have same surname)
By the way, my 2nd brother lost a lot of weight. He has been taking HerbaLife. If you too have some weight to shed or are looking for a work-at-home opportunity, you can visit his website at or Sorry-ah, doing a bit of promo here but really, my brother has lost a LOT of weight. His belly is GONE! or Sorry-ah, doing a bit of promo here but really, my brother has lost a LOT of weight. His belly is GONE!
Then after midnight, we drove back to Bukit Mertajam to my in-laws place. Save some toll money because got discount travelling at that crazy hour. Only thing exciting was our half-day trip to Penang Youth Park. The two older kids have been there before but not babyD.

Only thing missing was that jumping thing that K tried last time (you can see the video here). But still lots of things to climb. BabyD definitely has some monkey blood in him.
The wading pools are still there.

The park is also still lots of fun.

Only thing missing was that jumping thing that K tried last time (you can see the video here). But still lots of things to climb. BabyD definitely has some monkey blood in him.

Saturday, February 07, 2009
My New Family Book Store
I've been doing some modifications to my bookshop (Value Bookshop) and now you can see the differences I've made. Not totally complete because I don't have that many products up yet. The "cupboard may seem a little bare", but there is stuff there for you to check out.
Just to give you an idea on what's going on, the bookshop is now focused on digital products. So, no more shipping fees. After payment, you can download the product immediately unto your computer. But not everything requires payment, there are some FREE guides and reports there too. Products are catered towards making you a better parent. So I'll scout for e-books that touch on parenting, home management, cooking, recipes, children's education etc....
Latest entry is a FREE Valentine recipe card giveaway. There's also a product to help you learn how to make money from writing - be a ghostwriter.
So, scoot over to my new FAMILY BOOK STORE and tell me what you think about it.
Just to give you an idea on what's going on, the bookshop is now focused on digital products. So, no more shipping fees. After payment, you can download the product immediately unto your computer. But not everything requires payment, there are some FREE guides and reports there too. Products are catered towards making you a better parent. So I'll scout for e-books that touch on parenting, home management, cooking, recipes, children's education etc....
Latest entry is a FREE Valentine recipe card giveaway. There's also a product to help you learn how to make money from writing - be a ghostwriter.
So, scoot over to my new FAMILY BOOK STORE and tell me what you think about it.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Do Your Little Ones Act Like Vegetables Are Poison?
Image via Wikipedia
Take your kids shopping with you. Let them choose the fruits and vegetables they enjoy. This is generally the simplest way even with children as young as 4 years old. Children learn to eat healthier when they are a part of the cooking and the meal planning for the family.
Children really like color. Even with food, kids will look, then smell, and finally taste. So a variety of color in meals is great. Eating a mixture of foods greatly improves the chances of consuming all the nutrients you and your family need for optimum health.
A exciting way to get your kids to eat vegetables is to use the vegetables as part of a project. Kids get to count, make shapes, and then eat what they create. You get the satisfaction of knowing that you are giving nutritious foods into their diet.
Kids Recipes for Create My Own Soup
Let your children count the carrots and celery pieces. Let them spell their names with the noodles if you include alphabet noodles. You may find other novelty noodles like car shapes, etc. Create a topic of the soup creation.
Cut star shapes out of the carrot slices and zucchini (using an aspic cutter) then set to the side.
*1-2 carrots
*1 zucchini
*4 cups low sodium chicken broth
*1/4 cup shaped pasta
*Dash of sage
*3/4 cup chopped, cooked chicken
*Salt and pepper to taste
Bringing it All Together:
*Let the kids help you wash the vegetables. Once finished you can wash the carrots and zucchini softly with a vegetable brush.
*Cut the vegetables into 1/4-inch slices.
*Cut star shapes out of the slices, and set them aside.
*In a medium sized pot, bring the broth to a simmer over medium heat.
*Add the carrot stars and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the carrots are tender.
*Add the pasta, zucchini and chicken. Continue cooking the soup for another few minutes, stirring occasionally, just until the pasta is done. Makes 4 servings.
*Let your kids find their names or count the number of shapes in their soup bowl. The kids will like the adventure and fun, you will feel good knowing they are eating their vegetables.
Would you like more Kid-Friendly Recipes? Christine Steendahl – “The Menu Mom” invites you to visit Kid Approved Meals at to download your personal 13 week breakfast and lunch menu made just for kids!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Free Valentines Report and PLR Giveaway

Valentines is coming up. This report "14 Valentines Fun Ideas for Whole Family...Plus 5 Romantic Ideas for Mom & Dad" just came out. If you're looking to make Valentine's Day special for your children and hubby, then you'll appreciate the ideas shared.
On top of that, here's a super PLR offer and you won't have to log into your PayPal account or whip out a credit card to get it. All you have to do is go to:
You can customize and brand the above report. You get the full 4-page report plus:
- opt-in page template to build your list with the report.
- 4 ecover graphics to promote your report and give it a professional look
- 3 promotional banners to further spread the word about your fun report
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so grab yours and start promoting now! Again, the link to claim your PLR is at:
If you have your own online business or thinking of starting one, your readers will love receiving the report!
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