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- When was the last time you read it?
- Did you read it upstairs or downstairs?
- Did you read it in the car?
- Did you leave it at church?
- Did you take it to school?
- Is it on your bed?
- Have you checked under the sofa cushions?
- What about under the chairs, tv, trampoline etc....
- Did you loan it to any of your friends?
- Is it with all our books on the bookshelves?
- Try to remember where you put it.
- KokoD1, KokoD2, did you guys take it? Have you seen it?
- Are you sure you looked properly or not?
- That's why lah, you always leave your things everywhere.
- Why didn't you just put it back after reading?
- Why are you sitting down again, keep looking lah!
- You have to be more responsible.
- Why didn't you look for it yesterday? Why must you wait until we are leaving the house before you start searching for it?
- Stop whining and giving excuses. Just look for it.
- I'm not going to tell the lady at the library the book is lost. You go tell her yourself.
- If you don't find the book, they are going to ban your library card.
It has been quite baffling where that book has gone. I know it is in the house. How come we can't find it? Well, I had an idea. While K was in school, I announced to my 2 boys that I would buy a Cornetto or Slurpee to the person who finds the book. Guess what? THE BOOK WAS FOUND WITHIN 10 MINUTES. Where was it? In my girl's bedroom, on one of the bookshelves, between some of the books.
I then asked KokoD1, "What would you like? The Cornetto or Slurpee?"
You know what he said? "Mommy, what is a Cornetto?"
Hahahah, see the power of rewards? He didn't even know what it was. He just knew it was something good and he wanted it.
The moral of this story and Mama's Parenting Tip for today:
Rewards work better than interrogation and threats!