We all want to be effective parents. There are many ways to accomplish that goal. This is my personal collection of tips and tricks to effective parenting. Power to the Parents!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Work From Home

The one thing that I've been hearing more and more from mothers with young children is their desire to work from home. This is not only fueled by their love for the children but also the increasing awareness of the state of the world and it's environment. More than ever, children need their mothers to be in the home and many of us are beginning to realize how crucial that is to our children's welfare. Maids, daycare centres, grandparents and relatives will never be as influential as the care and guidance provided by a mother.
However, to be in the home, working mothers have to battle their fears whether they can adapt to the different lifestyle. Usually, the BIGGEST concern is MONEY. The ideal combination is to be at home AND still earn money.
So, the question most frequently asked is "what kind of work can I do from the home?"
I was one of many people who asked this question and was introduced to the world of internet marketing. Pretty much it's about creating websites that earn you money through clicks, affiliate programs, your own products etc....
The way I see it, there are 2 ways you can do this: The easy way and the professional way.
The easy way would be to just write any content, like personal blogging, add some money making thing-ies like adsense and a few affiliates, then wait to see if what happens. Sounds just like this blog of mine. Hahaha. Well, guess what? Yes, I earned some money... like 5 cents a click. This kind of pocket money won't even earn me a bowl of noodle.
So obviously, if you want to fill your piggy bank, it's better to do it the professional way. This is where your head will be swimming with terms like adsense, niche, keyword analysis, traffic building, list building, search engine optimization, article marketing, PLR articles, linking, RSS, etc....
There are tons of information out there on this topic and if you are a newbie like me, you might drown in the information. Plus, guru after guru will introduce tools, tools and more tools. Of course if you are just testing the waters of internet marketing, you might not be so keen on buying tools yet. But, if you really want to make money, you do have to spend some eventually.
Well, here is something I found that might interest you. It's called NO-BS Blueprint.
What is it?
It's exactly what the title says - a no-BS look at how to make money online, focusing on blogging, content creation, getting traffic and using our own tool-set to do it.
What will you be reading about?
1- How to find keywords.
2- Where to find traffic.
3- How to approach the search engines.
4- What search engine strategies work.
5- What search engine strategies don't.
6- Our own toolset and how to use it.
7- Where to get your domains and hosting.
8- IP addresses.
9- How big and how fast to build blog farms.
10- Where to get content.
11- What search engines look for in content.
12- How to give it to them.
13- Content rewriters and how to use them.
14- How to target site pages for search engines.
15- How often to update and ping blogs.
16- New features of the BlogSolution and how they help you.
17- How to link you sites and blogs together.
18- 7 real-life marketing scenarios.
19- Tool recommendations.
It's free and it is a pretty good read. So get it now, just click the following: NO-BS Blueprint.
This won't be my only post on "working from home." If I come across something interesting, I will let you guys in on it. Meantime, it would be great to hear feedback from you mothers out there as to what are some of the things you are doing to get that X-tra pocket money. Hope you gals don't mind to share-share the info ya. Doesn't mean you can spam me ok. Hahahah.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Baby Hiccups: What They Don't Tell You In Books

If you have a newborn, observe this phenomena and tell me if it's true for you too. Does baby poo after hiccups?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Baby, Baby, My Sweet Baby!

Trying to focus on the breathing to survive the contraction pains, I had to deal with a medical student asking me thousand and one questions so she could get her survey done.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Honey Snaps

Didn't feel like doing much baking for Christmas, so opted for something really easy peasy: HONEY SNAPS! It's a big hit with my kids and I'm sure it will be for yours too. No baking experience necessary :)
Chinese New Year is coming up. You could add this to your list of yum-yums.
60g butter
¼ cup honey
1 tablespoon sugar
4 cups cornflakes
90g unsalted peanuts (I left these out as my kids don't like peanuts)
Place butter, honey and sugar into small saucepan. Stir over medium heat until butter has melted. Combine cornflakes and peanuts in a basin and then pour the butter and honey mixture over it.
Mix until the cornflakes and peanuts are well-coated. Place party paper cases in a patty or muffin tin. Spoon tablespoonsful of mixture into paper cases. (I sprinkled some hundreds and thousands to make it look more festive. You could choose to put any kind of sprinkles you want. The kids would love to help in this area). Bake at 180°C for eight minutes. Stand 15 minutes until firm after removal from oven. Makes about 30.
How to Bicycle on Two Wheels

What is a parent to do?
1. Make sure the seat is low enough for the feet to reach the ground. This was my main mistake. Initially, the seat was a little high and she had to tiptoe to reach the ground. Thank goodness Daddy came to the rescue and got it lowered. Definitely reduced the falling down episodes.
2. Keep drilling into their mind that it will take a while before they get it right. To succeed there needs to be determination. Encourage the "I can" and the "keep trying, don't give up" attitude.
3. Praise even the smallest achievements e.g. "See, you got going for half a second."
4. What instructions to give? I only gave 2:
- when you push off, make sure the pedal is in the up position.
- move the bicycle first before you try to balance. It's easier to balance when the bicycle is already moving.
5. Do you need to hold the bicycle from behind to help them balance? Not necessarily.
Towards the end of her first session on two wheels, she was able to hold her balance for like 2 seconds. That made the smile come back to her sour face. Nothing beats the taste of some success. It brought hope back into her darkened world. Anyway, she woke up early Saturday morning and the first thing she did was grab her bicycle. You wouldn't believe it, she had gotten it! She was cycling at the back of the house where there is a cement court, and she was going straight and turning and maneuvering like a pro. What can I say? She proved to me that anyone can move from training wheels to two wheels overnight. And here I thought it would take a few days. Way to go girl!
Next in line, little D. We'll give him another year or so on those training wheels. Be ready my son!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
This is the only time people talk about resolutions, so let's start with some of mine.

On a more serious note, here is a list of popular New Year's resolution people make. Are you one of them?
1. Lose Weight – With more than fifty percent American adults and countless others in other countries being overweight, it’s no wonder that this resolution appears a lot. Unfortunately there are so many plans out there for losing weight and eating right, that it’s difficult to know what works and what doesn’t and which plan is best for which individual. Keys to successful weight loss focus on good eating habits, a good exercise program and sticking to targeted goals to reach.
2. Pay Off Debt – A main resolution of many is to pay off credit cards and minor installments loans; i.e. like auto loans, not mortgages. Often a tough job, lack of paying off debt often stems form economic issues, unexpected bills, decreased income, health-related bills and more mounting all year long. Do you best and check into refinancing at lower rates is often advised.
3. Stop Bad Habits – Popular resolutions often involve stopping bad habits like smoking, drinking, gambling, drug abuse, cheating on a mate and being a workaholic. To help overcome these, there are 12-step programs out there for nearly any issue today.
4. Continue Education – Another popular resolution is to return to school to finish high school accreditation, to complete college programs and complete other educational training. And with online technology so advanced today, many are able to jump back into programs with online help round the clock and round the world.
5. Travel – Hitting the road, the sea or the air is another top resolution of many. Travel sites offering helpful online planning, booking and savings grow in popularity as does this resolution made by many.
6. Workout – Both genders make resolutions to get fit in the new years ahead. Whether it’s to lift weights or run track or bike or swim, people as a whole seek better fitness. And trying to work in a fitness plan is not always easy with families on the go today. So trying to squeeze in smaller amount of time blocks might help many. For example, workout for 15 minutes a couple of times each day instead of looking for blocks of an hour where you will be free.
There are more popular New Year’s resolutions. Make some of your own and see what you are looking forward to, then make plans to reach your goals. Happy New Year!
Now the problem is actually achieving your resolutions, not setting them. Anyone can set a new years resolution, right?
So make sure you actually set yourself up for success. Write it down and keep it in front of you. Tell others about it and then work on it daily.
For a free report on setting and achieving your New Year's Resolutions, check out:
All the best in the New Year!