We all want to be effective parents. There are many ways to accomplish that goal. This is my personal collection of tips and tricks to effective parenting. Power to the Parents!
This is what babyD discovered yesterday - a magic button. When pressed... music plays.
Now, hopefully 6 years down the road, that device called a radio alarm clock still brings joy. But I doubt it. It's still music but when it blairs in your ears at 6am in the morning, screaming for you to wake up for school or work, it's difficult to feel that same kind of excitement. Hahahahah.
Mamas Bag of Tricks
1. It's true that you are your child's greatest teacher, but you still have to give them room for self discoveries.
Many times as I am busy in the kitchen, he will come in and I will ask either grandpa or daddy to take him out. When he hears them coming, he will run and hide between my legs, grabbing on as tight as he can as he dodge their extended arms.
He is also an expert at climbing – that little monkey. Even using tools such as the kiddy stool to aid in his quest. Just the other day he took a chair, put it right next to the door, took the house key and tried to unlock the door. He also likes to climb to the kitchen sink. If he can wash my dishes, I wouldn't mind :)
He learns things really fast and understands many instructions. He will put things back when asked to. He will also get the things we ask him to get for us. He puts his dirty clothes into the laundry basket and likes to put his clean cloth diapers into the drawer.
He will dance to the songs of the tv cantonese dramas. It's really funny. He will swing his hands left and right until he lose his balance. Mind you, he only dances to these songs and not other songs. Go figure!
You can see he is one who simplifies things. Instead of calling us by our different names (e.g. mama, papa, koko, jie-jie), he just calls everyone kaka. If you ask him “who is this?” he will say “kaka”. If you ask, “who are you?” he will also say “kaka”. Simple yes?
Although only 14 months, BabyD acts like he is older. He is also one tough little baby who doesn't cry at cuts and bumps. He is also a strong little hercules.
You are a handful BabyD, but also a joy. You stress us out sometimes, but you also make us smile when we need one.
Sigh! Didn't realize how much that camera is a part of my life. Feel a bit handicapped without it. It is so much easier to document our lives with pictures. Like they say, a picture says a thousand words. Talking about cameras, I guess I should add my parenting tip to this post.
Mamas Bag of Tricks
I also didn't want to pressure her but did encourage her to go through her books with me. Actually, I go through her work quite regularly. First, I don't want her to think that studying is just for exams. Second, teachers do make mistakes you know.
For example, the first few days of school, K was asked to copy the "Rukun Negara" (Pledge of Allegiance). One of the principles is "Kedaulatan undang-undang" (The Rule of Law). Instead she wrote "Kedaulatan udang-udang" (The Rule of Prawns). The teacher gave her a check mark and a star too.
Another example is from her Moral class workbook. They were learning about the different religions and had to match the religions to the place of worship. She wrote "Kristians" go to "tokong" (temple) and buddhist go to "gereja" (church) and teacher marked it right. When I corrected my daughter, she was skeptical and hesitated to make the correction. Understandable because little kids always think teachers are smarter than their own parents.
And then there is another incident where she was correct and the teacher marked her wrong.
Anyway, the point is for parents to actively involve themselves in their child's learning. Don't just leave it to teachers or tuition teachers. No matter what, YOU ARE STILL THEIR FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT TEACHER.
That's my tip for today.
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7. When my son wishes me "Good night biggest nen-nen mommy in the whole world." Eat your heart out Dolly Parton.
8. When I make a sale at my Children's Bookshop, or make money through affiliate marketing or through my blog. However the money comes, as long as it comes, it's a Happy Moment.
9. When a few of my friends commented "Hey, looks like you've lost weight." Thank you breastfeeding. You've given me a happy moment. But I gotta stop eating like a cow or else....
10. An empty laundry basket. This moment doesn't last long though.
11. Rain at night after a hot day.
12. When the kids are finally asleep and I get my precious time on the computer, blogging, checking mails and connecting with my online SAHP buddies :)
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