We all want to be effective parents. There are many ways to accomplish that goal. This is my personal collection of tips and tricks to effective parenting. Power to the Parents!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Stand Up For Your Children

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What is a Mother?

K writes:
1. kind and nice
2. cook food and take care
3. loving me and my family
4. moping the floor and swiping (sweeping) the floor.
5. reading the story book to me and my brother.
6. get me ready for school.
7. sayang me, kissing me and hug me.
8. open the door when I back from school.
9. knows how to teach well.
KokoD writes:
1. numb (meaning number 1)
2. cook Bule (barley) for me
3. and read to Me
4. and hug
As you can see, the girl has more needs than the boy. Hahahah. No, she probably can write better that's why. Anyway, it's an interesting activity that serves two purposes:
1. Encourage them to write and to give them writing practice.
2. Helps me to understand what's important to them so I can be better mother.
Interesting to note they did not mention any materialistic thing. There is no mention of mommy buying things for them or sending them to countless enrichment activities. More important are the physical touch, caring and quality time spent together.
This reminds me of a blog post I read recently titled "By Small and Simple Things". She encouraged some children in her church to share with the congregation something about their mother. Similar to my children, they remember the small things like playing together, reading together, personal time together and working around the house together.
Mamas Bag of Tricks.
1. Everyday we try to give the best to our children. Take some time to think if your interpretation of "what is best" is the same as your children's interpretation of "what is important".
2. Don't get too busy that you eliminate or overlook the small but important things.
3. Have you pondered lately what it means to be a mother and do you fulfill that criteria?
4. Are you trying to do too many things? Don't exhaust yourself with other things that you have no more energy left for your children.
5. Take pride in motherhood. It's NOT a 2nd grade job.
Like Chocolate on My Cranium, I too would like to share the following excerpt:
(Clipart courtesy of Kids' Turn Central)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Caterpillars Again

Actually, there are 3 of them in the jar. When I took this picture, don't know where the other 2 hiding. Now they are all hanging on the sides of the glass jar. They didn't finish the lime leaves I had put in so I'm guessing they will be turning into chrysalis soon.
Ya, it's called a chrysalis. I grew up learning they turned into a cocoon. But it's actually called a chrysalis.
I also did a little experiment this time round. I put in a Mulberry leave to see if they would eat it. As far as I can see, they only want to eat the lime leaves. Which reminds me, I found out the butterfly is called the Lime Butterfly. How appropriate.
p.s. I still absolutely hate caterpillars. If my children take the caterpillar out to play, I think I will 'pengsan' (faint).
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Secret to Making Beehive Biscuit (Mutt Foong Tau)

And then... jeng, jeng, jeng.......... BURNT, BURNT, BURNT!
The first few ones I put into the hot oil, I couldn't even shake it off. It wasn't brown when I took it out, it was black and still sticking to the mould. Okay, scrap it off and tried again. Same thing. In the end, I turned off the gas, called MIL but not at home. Called friend but she couldn't tell me why. So think, think, think... (Actually, the burnt ones were worse then the photo below).

After much practice and experimenting, WHALLA! Okaylah hor? Not too bad ya? Still not as nice as the "professionals". But hey, after like 4 hours later, these look pretty darn perfect to me (would have finished faster if I didn't take a break in between).

- After heating up the mould, you have to shake some of the oil off. If not, when you dip into the batter, the batter slides off.
- If you have too thin a batter on the mould, you can't shake it off when cooking it in the oil.
- How long do you start shaking after you dip the batter into the oil??? Only a few seconds. In the end, I was counting up to 4 and then shaking it. But I guess it would also depend on how hot is your oil.
- The sides will peel away from the mould first. The middle part is sometimes hard to shake off. I would lift the mould very slightly above the oil and try to shake it off.
- I kept a pair of chopsticks handy. When any part wouldn't shake off, I would cheat and use the chopsticks to separate the biscuit from the mould.
- After each dipping into the oil, I would shake, shake, shake the oil off the mould. Sometimes placing it on some tissue paper to get rid of excess oil. Like I said, too much oil and the batter slides of the mould.
- "Brown" is a deceiving word. Don't wait until it's brown. By the time you get it out, it will be dark brown. Get it out when it's like golden-yellow. Bit-bit white also okay. I think so lah.
Okay, that is my experience. I don't claim to have gotten it right. I probably am still doing something wrong. I'm open to free lessons. So, come on ladies, what's the secret to making beautiful Mutt Foong Tau???????
p.s. Okayyyyyy.... now I know why it cost RM16. The time, expertise and the backache. Nothing to do with the ingredients.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Password Software Manager

I do so many things with the computer or online and most of them require usernames and passwords. For example: online banking, groups and forums, affiliate programs, email, online tax, children's online programs, accounting software, my online children's bookshop (connecting to cpanel and ftp), membership sites, online biz, paypal....
The easy way is to stick to one password but that is soooooooo NOT safe. There are crazy hackers out there. One of them managed to hack the password to one of my DH's website. The first thing he did after that was change the password to our online banking.
To tell you the truth, I hate coming up with passwords. Actually, not really hate but more of fear. Fear that I will FORGET what it is. You know how sometimes you keep something valuable in a safe place. You think to yourself "Oh, no one will find it here." And then later, even you forget where it is???? Yeah, it's happened to me. So, that's what I fear about my passwords too. Try to create one that is not easy to hack. And then worry that I will forget what it is.
Anyway, that's why I bought this password software. USD7 is okay-lah. Reasonable price to pay in exchange for some piece of mind. I know some of you are saying, why so stupid to pay when you can do it for free by just recording everything down in an excel sheet or something. But this also comes with a password generator. PLUS, can resell it and make more money!
AHA! Yes. You also looking for some pocket money right? That's why I recommend you also get this Password Saver. It's practical, quite essential in our day and age, AND can help put a little money in your pocket.
So, don't wait anymore. Save your brain cells, protect your information and get Password Saver today.
p.s. Haiya, don't have to be sooo stingy with that little hill you've accumulated in paypal. Invest a little so you can get more back mah!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Science In a Jar

We had a surprise today... our caterpillar finally turned into a BUTTERFLY!
This is another successful homeschool science project. The other one was the tadpoles-frogs we did in 2006. (Interested in the froggies, read:We Have Tadpoles, Froggy Update)
Anyway, the reason for this science project was the many caterpillars that kept popping up to treat themselves to my little baby lime trees. Everyday I have to go check to see if those pesky things are chomping the leaves up. Well, decided to make something good out of something bad, so I popped some of them into a jar and turned them into a science lesson. I dated the jar 19 January 2008. So, it's been almost a month.
KokoD was amazed how those little buggers ate and ate and grew and grew. He would tell me "Mommy, see how big and fat this one is." And mommy would answer "Ewww, get them away from me." I hate caterpillars and worms with all the energy of my soul.
Anyway, I had about 3-4 caterpillars inside the jar. Only 1 made it all the way to become a beautiful butterfly. 1 died and turned black. Another became a chrysalis but I think it died too. Besides learning about their life cycle, the kids also learned what caterpillar poo-poo looks like. It was also exciting to see what kind of butterfly the caterpillar turned out to be. I think KokoD wants to have another go at this science project. He wants to see if he gets a different kind of butterfly. Unfortunately I only have the kind that eats my lime trees. AAARRGGH! Oh well, I guess we will have another go at it because it will be another lesson to show that the same kind of caterpillars turn out to be the same kind of butterflies. Goodness know I seem to have a constant flow of supply.
Oh, I also learned a lesson... Now I know which butterfly is the culprit!

- Life science lessons are much more fun than just reading facts from a book.
- Need a caterpillar, call me.
- Keep a garden. It holds many science lessons.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Candy Bouquet Business: Make an Unforgettable Valentines Gift
If you haven't heard, there is a new exciting concept called Candy Bouquet. What you do is combine both flowers and candy. Or if you want to do away with the flowers, make it a candy and only candy bouquet. It's still called a bouquet because you turn the candies into flower looking things.
A perfect example is using 2 hershey kisses, putting both the flat ends together and wrapping them up in red cellophane paper to make a hershey's rose bud.
Lollipops can also be transformed into flowers. Use colored or patterned paper and cut out 4 love shapes. These become the petals and your lollipop becomes the middle of the flower. Click here for picture and instructions to make a lollipop flower.
These candy bouquets also make very fun craft activities to do with children. Whether or not you will be able to keep the candy out of their mouths is another story :)
Candy Bouquets make very special gifts. They won't wilt and die like flowers. Plus. it's a gift that will please the taste buds. Valentines gifts don't have to be just between two love birds. Children can make a candy bouquet for teachers, grandparents and even DAD. Talking about that, I've forgotten to put lollipops on my shopping list. Aiyah!
For all SAHM looking for a profitable business, why not start a Candy Bouquet Business. Don't have to crack your head and think of how to start or how to do. Lana Glass, Founder of the Site "Incredible Edible Crafts" shares her secrets in a 177 page step-by-step eGuide
It reveals everything you need to know to create amazing gifts for your friends and family for any occasion. Click on for more information on how to start a Candy Bouquet Business.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Baby Milestone: 13 Months

- has acquired the habit of throwing himself on the ground, throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants and doesn't get his way. Didn't think the terrible twos started so early eh?
- pats you on the hand or shoulder and then points to what he wants.
- can hold a pencil and make scratchings on paper.
- says "la la la" as if he is singing.
- takes his dirty clothes and puts them in the laundry basket.
- takes the door key and tries to open the door.
- fights with his siblings for things he wants. Screams at them too.
- is getting more and more sticky to me.
- goes down the slide by himself.
- climbs up and down the stairs by himself.
- knows how to give a flying kiss.
- presses the buttons to turn off the t.v. and change the channels.
My baby is getting so big. Hope you enjoy his cheeky smiles. Here he is saying that he is No.1!

Monday, February 04, 2008
Teach Your Child Effectively: How to Develop Your Child's Genius

- When should I start teaching my child, so that he will learn fastest and develop his brain to achieve his maximum ability?
- What should I teach my child, so that he'll be ahead of all other kids?
- How to teach my child to read, so that he will read as early as 2 or even before?
- How to help my child read faster, comprehend more, and remember easily and effortlessly, so that he'll be a brilliant student?
- How can I teach my child math so that he will love math and have fun learning it?
- How can I develop my child's creativity and problem solving skills, so that he will be able to invent new concepts and solve problems easily and effortlessly?
- How to train my child to be a leader?
- How to develop and improve my child's visual and auditory memory to the maximum?
- How to develop my child's coordination, so that he will excel and enjoy all kinds of sports?
- Left and right brain hemispheres, their functions, how to make sure my child develops his whole brain, and how to improve brain hemisphere connectivity?
- Children and money - how to train my child for financial success?
- How to help my child in school?
- How to motivate my child to apply himself and achieve the best results possible?
- How to strengthen my child's self confidence?
- When and why should I test my child's IQ?
- Up to date whole brain education that develops lightening speed calculations as well as visual memory and creativity?
"The Manual Your Child Should Have Come With:
How to Develop Your Child's Genius"
Esther Andrews, who went from being an inexperienced mother to became the principal of the "School for Gifted Education" in San Jose, California tells you how she did it.
Want to know her secret?
Friday, February 01, 2008
Valentine's Day Craft Projects
Related post:
Candy Bouquet Business
Want to start a candy bouquet business from home? Click here!