This is my little chubby cheeks at 3 months old.
Danic went for his immunization jab today. We went to the Klinik Desa here at Puncak Alam and it was FREE. How nice. They weighed him at 8kg and pronounced him obese. Hahaha. Oh no, I have an obese baby. And all he has is breastmilk. Furthermore, he hasn't been feeding as much as before. Sometimes, he would go till 4-5 hours without a feed and still not make a fuss. I think the nurses didn't know what to advice me. They couldn't tell me to cut down on formula milk – coz' I'm not using formula milk. He has already cut down on the feeding. The only thing they could say was “don't give him solids until he is 6 months old.” Yes ma'am (tabik).

This is poor Danic knocked out. He had a slight fever and was quite cranky. Understandable. Gave him some medicine and that helped. Look at his chubby legs. So nice to squeeze.
A few weeks back, I tried to train Danic to fall asleep without being rocked. I would put him on the mattress and pat him. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Danic would wail and wail. His face will be all red, fists clenched, stomach tightened and kicking liking crazy. The other mothers have said to let him cry it out, but not more than 10-15 minutes. So that is what I did. The result? I think I gave him colic. Either that or he became even more insecure. He would cry and refused to be consoled. Give him the breast to suck – NO. Give him the pacifier – NO. Rock him in the arms – NO. Put him in the sarong – NO. Oh, it was very exasperating. Anyway, Daddy chided Mommy a bit and teasingly said, “what have I done to the baby?”
So, what happened next? Mommy decided to totally ditch the idea of training baby to sleep by himself. Now we are back to holding him and rocking. Putting baby in the sling seems to work very well. It calms him down quite fast.
Lesson to be learned:
1. Do what is best for baby and not for yourself. Convenience is not always good parenting.
2. Don't listen too much to other people. All babies are different, all mothers are different. This makes for countless types of mother-baby combination. Do what your heart says is right.
So, for my babies, attachment parenting and baby wearing seems to be the answer.
Baby milestones:
- Baby likes to be talked to and will talk back. So cute to see him having a conversation.
- He can laugh (with sound). He likes being nuzzled at the neck. I think it tickles him.
- Have no desire to turn yet. He has tried and can sort of do it. But I think his butt is heavy. Hahaha.
- Can sleep through most of the night. Wakes up probably only once.