What's the story behind this clean plate? Well, one of my pet peeves is having to wash a plate that is still full of rice and stuff. So, I have been constantly telling my children to clean their plate. Well, this is what my daughter presented to me today (and yesterday). She has been really trying hard to clean up the plate. As a reward, mommy here promised to show all the 'aunties' and 'uncles' what a good job she has done. Oh, almost forgot. She also wanted me to tell the whole world that she ate her vegetables. Thumbs up for you my girl!
On the other hand, here is D giving me a hard time with his eating again. When he was just a toddler, he was very good and would insist he feed himself. Now that he is older and able to feed himself, he insists that someone feeds him (rolling eyes). He is getting really skinny and so we try to push for him to finish his food; something that he hasn't been doing very well lately. I try to encourage him by calling him "my tiger", do the aeroplane / choo choo train thingy and what not, but my patience tends to wear out especially when I have to hold a squirmy, cranky baby and try to feed him at the same time. But must also give him credit for eventually cleaning up the plate. Also regained my head and apologized for the bit of screaming. My sweet D who never had problems eating, where are you and come back to me!VALUE BOOKSHOP'S LUCKY DRAW IS STILL ON.
My son is still struggling with his meal everyday...and he's already 8!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's just in every kids' nature to not finish their meal. Hihihi... It's a war zone especially when the kids are back from school....(sigh!)
Hi Lian!
ReplyDeleteBeen here several times and enjoyed your thoughts & musing.
Oh...about that not feeding himself thing, my hunch is that this little fellow is acting up to get attention back to him. Little sibling came and changed things around you know. If he was still the goody-goody boy, he'll disappear in the crowd. I don't know how it'll work for you, but try making meal time his pleasant personal time with you. And pls don't pile up the plate with too much food...I was one of those who got really discouraged when I saw too much food in my bowl and dread the consequence of not polishing up every grain in it. Trust the child when he says "that's too much for me"
Good luck!
Hi Monster Mom,
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. I can see you have your hands full too.
Hi Singapore Girl,
How are you adjusting to life over there? Nice to hear from you.
Yes, I agree it could be about getting attention and so I try to give him that attention whenever possible, like reading to him, cuddles, hugs etc.... I have significantly reduced the amount of food I put on his plate. So I know it's not about having too much. Another reason could be lack of focus while eating. He talks more than he eats. Takes so long that in the end, no more interest. Anyway, thanks for the input. I do try NOT to scold them for not finishing food. But can't help it when they take two bites and then say their stomach is going to burst. Sigh!