I'm sure everyone is glad to have survived through another year. A new year usually brings new hopes and new resolutions. My resolution is not to have any resolution. I'm sure that is easily accomplished. Hehee.
Well, although already in a new year but I have yet to finish my "Looking Back" project. So here are the months of June and July.

How important it is for our children to choose friends and also BE a friend that is an influence for good. When they are at such a tender age, teachings on friendship must be instilled. Here is what I taught my children:
To be a friend, you should:
1. Share
2. Help
3. Play nice (no forcing them to do things they don't want)
4. Speak kind words (no teasing, be polite)
5. Compromise
At this stage, the message is that a friend is someone who shows kindness in both words and deed. Life is still simple for young children. When they move on to the world of adolescents, the simple idea of friendship can become complicated and confusing. I believe the greater message then is that a true friend is someone who is an influence for good.
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